Ka'a Nui - The Big Van Project   2024     -     www.johnconey.com/kaanui_home.shtml

A blog about the setup of the RV Ka'a Nui, a 2021 Dodge Promaster van purchased Febraury 28, 2024.  A huge hand goes out to Howard and Tim, who drove me to Kona to meet the seller and have lunch.  Great people and tons of fun for sure.  The van is a tall 9-4" Promaster van with 136" wheel base (wb), front wheel drive.  For electrical, it supports a 230a high output alternator and 700 watts of solar (more on that later).

Sooo, why buy a van.  The current concept is to fix and build it out into a sleeper van to include a bed, toilet, sink, fridge and other amenities and ship it to the mainland in a few years when done.


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