Ka'a Nui - Mana (solar power and house batteries charging)
Ka'a Nui Solar power Ka'a Nui has about 700 watts of 12-volt power on the roof. How best to use and implement is what this blog will be about. Six panels of three different types make up the 700 watts, 2-50 watts at the rear of the van, 2- 100 watts at the front and I think 2- 190 watts panels in the center of the van roof. . Currently, only 1 panel is being used, and looks like the others are set in series. Issues to consider... Can I install and ship lithium batteries? Not sure yet, having reached out to both Pasha and Matson, it is hard to tell what our options are. Run the 700w as two 350w strings, or three strings, each with a controller to the battery. I'm thinking in this direction and could mean more wire, but we can keep the AWG wire size down, and have redundancy. Also depending on how different size panels are connected, you can end up with a ton of loss to the batteries How large of a house battery and what type, GMA or Lithium?. Install a DC-DC charger f